
We do work all over the United Kingdom and Europe. Frames are prefabricated in our framing yards and transported to site for assembly virtually anywhere. We have built several frames in France and have a carpentry team working for us in Bas Normandy.

We do work all over the United Kingdom and Europe. Frames are prefabricated in our framing yards and transported to site for assembly virtually anywhere. We have built several frames in France and have a carpentry team working for us in Bas Normandy.

We do work all over the United Kingdom and Europe. Frames are prefabricated in our framing yards and transported to site for assembly virtually anywhere. We have built several frames in France and have a carpentry team working for us in Bas Normandy.

We do work all over the United Kingdom and Europe. Frames are prefabricated in our framing yards and transported to site for assembly virtually anywhere. We have built several frames in France and have a carpentry team working for us in Bas Normandy.

The Green Oak Carpentry Company has an excellent reputation for quality and service. We are the only company who has won the Wood Awards Gold three times, two of our projects have been on the Stirling Prize short list and we have many satisfied clients. We can put you in touch with former clients who will talk to you and help you to come to your own conclusions, please talk to us, we are knowledgeable, friendly and want to help.

We require a 10% deposit to place the order and book a slot in our fabrication programme. We will discuss programme and all your requirements with you and your architect (if applicable) to get things under way. For a medium sized project like a small house frame or large oak frame extension, it usually takes 8 weeks to achieve signed off drawings at which time timber can be ordered. All our work is bespoke, there are no standard components and each frame is unique.

Yes. We carry Professional Indemnity insurance to the sum of £500,000 for each and every claim.

Yes, all our frames carry a warranty against defective workmanship and materials for 6 years. Problems are very rare but if they do occur we take this very seriously and do our utmost to make sure all is well. 

There are two usual routes to achieving this:

  1. Employ an architect. A full service includes; planning submission, detailed design and contract administration. Once the building is complete the architects produces a final certificate and your project becomes insured under the architects ‘Professional Indemnity’ insurance.
  2. Alternatively companies like NHBC, Zurich, Building Plans and others insure buildings with oak frames without much difficulty, on the proviso that the building is well designed and executed.

Under the right conditions, oak can last for centuries—up to 200 years or more.. There are many examples of historic buildings, standing for centuries when constructed using proper techniques.

Oak has always been a popular choice for traditional timber frame construction; it is available in large structural section sizes to create a well-designed and long-lasting structure.

When weathering externally, oak will initially darken slightly and then turn a silvery grey colour, subject to exposure. Internally, it does not change colour, as it is protected from UV light.

Oak frames are ideal for this purpose. Once the sub-structure works are complete and the frame has been assembled by us, the cladding and roof work, internal finishes, etc., can be completed at your leisure. Sometimes frames are left unclad in the open for a number of years before finishing. This represents no problem at all and may actually be beneficial as it slows the drying of the frame.

Maintenance & Care

The only maintenance you may wish to carry out on your oak frame would be down to aesthetic choices. When exposed externally to natural sunshine, the untreated frame will turn silvery grey, which is a desired effect for many looking to incorporate an oak frame into any project. You might choose to apply a finish, but this needs regular maintenance to keep it looking fresh.

There are methods to consider to ensure the correct weathering of a frame, all of which we will take into consideration during our design phase. Tannic acid is a natural substance contained within green oak which contributes to its durability and protects the material when weathering. As for movement, you cannot stop a fresh-sawn oak frame from drying, which needs to be correctly detailed where it abuts internal finishes. For this, we recommend allowing your frame to settle and revisiting any finishes a few years down the line.

Yes, since most of the material we use is fresh-sawn, your frame will almost certainly shrink and develop fissures as it dries. This is all natural and is expected of the material. We have some basic frame information that may provide more insight. Frame Information Document.

Cleaning an oak frame can mean a few different things. When the frame is first erected, we recommend you have the frame sandblasted to remove any marks and tanin stains, which will restore the frame to a nice pale straw colour as seen in most of our internal projects. Certain products can be used to clean specific/smaller areas of an oak frame if necessary, but we recommend doing adequate research before doing so. As for domestic cleaning, you're able to do so as you would any other household surface.

We recommend that you do not, but this is based entirely on the visual appeal of an oak frame. However, it is subject to personal appea,l and you're welcome to do so if you feel it will provide you the desired effect.